Appendix Review: The Churches of God, Seventh Day: A Bibliography, by Joel Bjorling. Garland Publishing, Inc., New York: 1987. 296pp. $48.00 retail. A bibliography is a list, often with descriptive or critical notes, of writings relating to a particular subject, period or author. A bibliographical book exists to provide a listing of important and useful research materials for other students and researchers to further investigate a particular topic. Joel Bjorling's The Churches of God, Seventh Day: A Bibliography, is a listing of over 1,600 books, articles and periodicals relating to Twentieth Century Church of God Seventh Day groups. Mr. Bjorling is not a Sabbath-keeper. As an outsider, he has done a remarkable job in pulling together a wide assortment of materials. His book is one of a series edited by J. Gordon Melton of the University of California at Santa Barbara of bibliographies on sects and cults. Bjorling has compiled another bibliography on the Baha'i Faith. Both Bjorling and Melton have long been recipients of literature from Giving & Sharing. Bjorling gives us credit for his work. He devotes a great deal of space to Giving & Sharing's role in the Church of God, Seventh Day literature scene. We appreciate his favorable mention. Bjorling lists the literature of some thirty-one different groups. In addition, Bjorling briefly analyzes the history and teachings of each organization. I found his book interesting and objective in most instances. He has done a good job in compilation. However, I find a number of faults and serious shortcomings with Bjorling's book. (1) The book is overpriced. Although Mr. Bjorling assures me that a bibliography book such as his is properly priced at $48, I feel the value received is far less than the investment. A writer of the current teachings of the Churches of God, Seventh Day would need a bibliography of at least as much material as Bjorling lists, plus he would have to analyze, research and evaluate all the material, and write original material, which Bjorling's listing with brief notes does not do. The price of a book on the current status and teachings of these churches would NOT sell for anywhere near $48. Libraries and research institutions on the study of religion are clearly the target audience for Bjorling's book. (2) The book has many typographical errors. Although attractively hardbound, there are a great many typo errors, misspelled words and haphazard justification of text. This discredits the author. (3) The book has a number of factual errors. I feel this stems from lack of careful research, rather than deliberate misrepresentation. Bjorling has obviously not read all the material he has compiled. A serious writer carefully edits his material, and allows others to critique it, in an attempt to weed out all errors prior to publication. Typographical errors and lack of research skills are evident. Here are a few factual errors we noticed: On page 14, the schism of the Church of God, Seventh Day led by A.N. Dugger actually occurred in 1933, not 1931 as stated. Pages 16 and 199 describe A.N. Dugger as a part of the Sacred Name Movement, when in fact he was not a Sacred Name exclusivist, and belongs firmly to the major Church of God Seventh Day branch. On page 25, it is an error to state that the reason why Herbert Armstrong was expelled from the Salem Church of God Seventh Day was because he taught Jewish Holy Days and British Israelism which were contrary to Salem's teachings. Armstrong was mainly expelled for failure to cooperate, not over doctrines. Others in the group held the same doctrines he did. Many today in the Church of God Seventh Day groups hold the same doctrines yet they are not expelled. Bjorling's statement on page 71 that British Israelism and Holy Day teaching sets Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God apart from other Seventh Day Church of God groups is patently false. In discussing the Caldwell, Idaho Seventh Day Church of God group, Bjorling fails to realize that they keep the Holy Days. This is very poor research! On page 26, the Denver group is misrepresented by the false statement that they consider fish and fowl unclean. The fact is, the Denver group considers only those fish and fowl clean and unclean that are prohibited in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. On page 55, Bjorling states that Armstrong was the only minister of his church up until 1947 and the foundation of Ambassador College. Not so! Armstrong ordained Wolverton, Heibel, Day, Ellis, Blake, Neff and others to work with him during the 1933-1946 period. On page 138, Bjorling errs when he states that Raymond Cole founded the Church of God, The Eternal in 1974. It was actually 1975, and Bryce Clark was not a founding minister of the group. All these and other errors point to sloppy scholarship. (4) The book is decidedly biased. The Church of God, Seventh Day proper is not well covered. Bjorling fails to mention the major development in the 1980's of the proposed merger of the Denver and Meridian groups. He devotes more space to Giving & Sharing's literature than to the Denver Group, which has a much wider circulation. Bjorling is a student of religious cults and sects. He overemphasizes a few minor fringe groups, even some that don't keep the Sabbath, while neglecting some of the major groups. He correctly places the Worldwide Church of God and the Sacred Name Movement in the Church of God Seventh Day grouping of churches. (5) Bjorling's book fails to fulfil its purpose. The average Sabbath-keeper won't spend $48 for this book. Library and religion research centers who will buy this book are not served by a book riddled with typographical and factual errors. A religious researcher cannot use this bibliography for further research, because almost none of the material is available in the ordinary university or public research library, and no addresses are given for the different groups so the individual researcher cannot get copies of the material to evaluate. (6) Bjorling promotes liberal theology. In the appendix section of his book, Bjorling attempts to briefly refute the Sabbath and Sacred Name. He gives superficial arguments against the Sabbath, and does not mention Samuele Bacchiocchi's book, From Sabbath To Sunday, which destroys Bjorling's anti-Sabbath ideas. Bjorling accepts Dr. Ernest Martin's Protestant anti-law teachings. Bjorling's anti-Sacred Name section is nauseating. He accepts the "higher criticism" belief that the Old Testament was written by different groups of conflicting sources, the so-called "J," "E," and "P" documents. These documents exist only in the minds of anti-Bible critics. Conclusion Bjorling threw his book together. This does a disservice to the Churches of God, Seventh Day groups. If you are really interested in the various Sabbath keeping groups, you should get the Directory of Sabbath-Observing Groups from the Bible Sabbath Association, Route 1 Box 222, Fairview, Oklahoma, 73737. It is updated every five years or so. The Directory is a far more useful research source than Bjorling's bibliography. This comprehensive book lists hundreds of different groups, their major doctrines and literature, and addresses so you can do your own research. There is a bias here as well: each section is usually written by the group itself. In some cases, there may be exaggerations as to membership numbers, and a misrepresentation as to real doctrinal beliefs. Use the Directory to obtain the address for literature listed in Bjorling's book. Do your own research. The following simplified history trees may help you in your study of different Church of God Seventh Day groups. FOOTNOTES I. Introduction -- Controversial History l. The Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong, (1967), 336. 2.Armstrong, 337. 3.Frank Spencer Mead, Handbook of Denominations in the United States (Abingdon Press, 1951). 4.Harry W. Lowe, "Radio Church of God, How its teachings differ from Seventh Day Adventists," (Pacific Press, 1970), 18-19. 5.A.N. Dugger and C.O. Dodd, A History of the True Religion (Jerusalem, 2nd Edition, 1968), 294. 6.Interview, Carl Palmer, October 14, 1971, and a Seventh Day Adventist Minister (1971) II. The Messenger Party 1.John N. Loughborough, Rise and Progress of the Seventh Day Adventists (General Conference Association of Seventh Day Adventists, 1892), 391. 2.Arthur W. Spalding, Origin and History of Seventh Day Adventists, Vol. I (Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1961), 252-53. M. Ellsworth Olsen, A History of the Origin and Progress of the Seventh Day Adventists (Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1925), 230. 3.Loughborough, 188-196, 217. 4.Ibid., 391. 5.James White, Life incidents (Steam Press of the Seventh Day Adventist Publishing Association, 1868), 294-296. 6.Ibid. 7.The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, December 18, 1860, 39-40. 8.Review, April 16, 1861, 175. 9.Loughborough, 205-06; Spalding, 229. 10.Review, February 20, 1855. 11.Review, December 4, 1879. 12.Review, December 11, 1879. III. The "Church of God" Controversy 1.Loughborough, 227-28. 2.A.N. Dugger and C.O. Dodd, A History of the True Religion (Jerusalem, 2nd Edition, 1968), 289. 3.Charles Monroe, "A Synoptic History of the Churches of God in the Latter Days," in Facts of Our Faith, January, 1969, 17-18. 4.Dugger and Dodd, 289-90. 5.Review, August, 1850, 7. 6.William A. Spicer, Pioneer Days of the Advent Movement (Review and Herald, 1941), 255. 7.Review, April 23, 1861, 181. 8.Review, October 1, 1860, 140. 9.Hope of Israel, Vol. I, No. 4 (1863). 10.Review, March 19, 1861. 11.Dugger and Dodd, 293-94; April 9, 1861 Review and Herald. 12.John Kiesz, History of the Church of God (Seventh Day), (Stanberry, 1965), 7-8. IV. The Question of Ellen G. White's Visions 1.Review, January 14, 1862, 52. 2.Review, August 6, 1861, 76. 3.D. M. Canright, Seventh Day Adventism Renounced (Fleming H. Revell Co., 1889), 38-41. 4.Jacob Brinkerhoff, "The Seventh Day Adventists and Mrs. White's Visions," (Advent and Sabbath Advocate, 3rd edition, 1884), 6. 5.Ibid., 11-12. 6.Ellen G. White, Early Writings, 273 7.Review, September 26, 1935. 8.Present Truth, August 1849, 22. 9.Uriah Smith, Looking Unto Jesus, 237. 10.Material on Seventh Day Adventism from The Gathering Call. 11.Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, 657. 12.Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, Vol. I, 131-32. 13.Testimonies (1872), Vol. III, 21. 14.Gathering Call material. 15.Testimonies, Vol. II, 68, 400. 16.Testimonies (1885), Vol. V, 366. 17.Seventh Day Adventist Church Manual (1932), 78. 18.James and Ellen G. White, Life Sketches (Steam Press of the Seventh Day Adventist Publishing Association, 1888), 270-72. 19.Ibid., 304. 20.Testimonies, I, 411-13. 21.Ibid., 234-39, 250-51. 22.Ibid., 311-23, 326-40. 23.Uriah Smith, The Visions of Mrs. E. G. White, a Manifestation of Spiritual Gifts According to the Scriptures (Steam Press of the Seventh Day Adventist Publishing Association 1868), 131-32; Testimonies, I, 653-55, 660-61. V. The Michigan Church of God 1.Quoted in John Kiesz, 14-15. 2.Dugger and Dodd, 296. 3.Adelbert Branch, "The Backward Look: Memoranda of the Seventh Day Baptist Church of White Cloud, Michigan," (The Bible Witness Press, Berea, West Virginia, 1937). 4.Branch; Kiesz, 17. 5.Branch. 6. Hope, August 10, 1863, cited in Kiesz, 17. 7. Loughborough, 216-17; Spalding, 229. 8.Branch. 9.Kiesz, 17. 10.Branch. 11.Dugger and Dodd, 296. 12. Branch; Dugger and Dodd, 296-97. 13.Macum Phelan, New Handbook of all Denominations (Cokesbury Press, 1930, 1933), 19-20. 14.Michigan Historical Records Survey (1940), 35. 15.Branch. 16.Bible Advocate, August 12, 1963, 13-20. 17.Branch. 18.1936 Census of Religious Bodies (United States Government), 36. 19.Hope, August 10, 1863. 20.Hope, August 24, 1863. 21.Kiesz, 19. 22.Fellowship Herald, October, 1960, 8. 23.Hope, March 10, 1864. 24.Cranmer's Recollections Given to Branch. 25.Hope, March 24, 1864. 26.Hope, April 10, 1864. 27.Hope, April 23, 1864. 28.Hope, June 15, 1864. 29.Hope, July 6, 1864. 30.Hope, October 7, 1864. 31.Kiesz, 39-40. 32.Letter dated Allegan, Michigan, January 8, 1865 in January 11, 1865 Hope. 33.Advocate, August 12, 1963, 13-20. 34.Cranmer's Recollections. 35.Kiesz, 26. 36.Hope, November 2, 1864. 37.Kiesz, 42-43. 38.Hope, March 16, 1865; Kiesz, 46-48. 39.Hope, August 10, 1863. 40.Hope, August 24, 1863. 41.Cranmer's Recollections. 42.Hope, August 10, 1863. 43.Hope, August 24, 1863. 44.A May, 1864 Hope. 45.An 1863 Hope. 46.John Reed in June 15, 1864 Hope. 47.Hope, November 2, 1864. 48.Kiesz, 48. 49.Kiesz, 42. 50.Kiesz, 44. 51.Kiesz, 47. 52.Field Messenger, March 21, 1928, 30. 53.Advocate, August 12, 1963, 25-26. 54.Hope, October 28, 1863. 55.Kiesz, 45. 56.Kiesz, 27-28. 57.Kiesz, 28-29. 58.Kiesz, 49. 59.Cranmer's Recollections. 60.Ibid. 61.Ibid. 62.Sabbath Recorder, October 29, 1917. 63.Russell J. Thomsen, Seventh Day Baptists - Their Legacy to Adventists (Pacific Press, 1971), 92 and footnote 13 on page 95. 64.Advocate, May 31, 1937. 65.Ibid., quote of S.C. Hancock. 66.Kiesz, 53. VI. The Church of God in Marion, Iowa 1.Advocate, August 12, 1963. 2.Loughborough, 268-69. 3.Everett Dick, Founders of the Message (Review and Herald, 1938), 306-07. 4.Whites' Life Sketches, 329-333. 5.Olsen, 232-37. 6.Fellowship Herald, October 1960, 6-9. 7.Hope, September 7, 1864. 8.Fellowship Herald, op. cit. 9.Charles Monroe, "A Synoptic History of the Churches of God in the Latter Days," in Facts of Our Faith, January 1969, 12-25. 10.Fellowship Herald. 11.Loughborough, 267-68. 12.H.E. Carver, "Mrs. E.G. White's Claims to Divine Inspiration Examined," (Advent and Sabbath Advocate Press, 2nd edition, 1877), 9-10. 13.Loughborough, 267. 14.Carver, 9-10 15.Loughborough, 268. 16.Carver, 9-10. 17.Carver, 13-14. 18.Spalding, 229-30. 19.Fellowship Herald, op. cit. 20.Carver throughout. 21.Kiesz, 53. 22.Kiesz, 54. 23.Kiesz, 59. 24.Loughborough, 269. 25.Messenger, February 3, 1921, 3. 26.Kiesz, 55. 27.Kiesz, 60. 28.Kiesz, 59-60. 29.Kiesz, 90. 30.Kiesz, 51, 99. 31.See 1860's and 1870's issues of The World's Crisis. 32.Kiesz, 64. 33.Kiesz, 62. 34.Kiesz, 56. 35.Kiesz, 54. 36.Carver, op. cit. 37.Loughborough, 391-92. 38.Smith on Ellen G. White, 95. 39.Carver, op. cit. 40.Smith on Ellen G. White, 82-83. 41.Carver, op. cit. 42.Carver. 43.Fellowship Herald, op. cit. 44.Kiesz, 67; Advocate, August 12, 1963, 25-26. 45.Kiesz, 54. 46.Kiesz, 55, 58. 47.Fellowship Herald, op. cit. 48.Kiesz, 56. 49.Kiesz, 66. 50.Kiesz, 56. 51.Ibid. 52.Kiesz, 59. 53.Loughborough, 269. 54.Kiesz, 61. 55.Kiesz, 62-63. 56.Advocate, June 28, 1937, 7-8. 57.Kiesz, 63. 58.Advocate, June 28, 1937, 9-11. 59.Kiesz, 63-64. 60.Kiesz, 63-64. 61.Kiesz, 64; Advocate, July 5, 1937, 9-11. 62.Fellowship Herald, op. cit. 63.Advocate, July 5, 1937, 9-11. 64.Ibid. 65.Kiesz, 65,67. 66.Kiesz, 74. 67.Kiesz, 66. 68.1936 Census, 36. 69.Kiesz, 66. 70.Kiesz, 67-68. 71.Kiesz, 68-69. 72.Advocate, July 12, 1937, 9-11. 73.Kiesz, 69. 74.Advocate, July 26, 1937, 7-9. 75.Kiesz, 69; Advocate, July 26, 1937, 7-9. 76.Kiesz, 69. 77.Kiesz, 70; Advocate, August 12, 1963, 25-26. 78.Kiesz, 71. 79.Ibid. 80.Kiesz, 65. 81.Loughborough, 137. 82.Canright, 38-41, 47, 51, 57. 83.Testimonies, I, 113, 119, 133, 166, 140, 360, 361, 566, quoted in Canright, 64-66. 84.Canright, 62-63. 85.Canright, 39. 86.Kiesz, 72. VII. The Move to Stanberry 1.Fellowship Herald, op. cit. 2.Advocate, July 26, 1937, 7-9. 3.Kiesz, 75. 4.Advocate, August 2, 1937, 8-9. 5.Kiesz, 75. 6.Kiesz, 79. 7.Kiesz, 80 8.George Batten and Company's Directory of the Religious Press of the United States, (New York, 1892), 78. 9.Advocate, November 1969, 286. 10.The Tribune Almanac and Political Register (1893), 190; Census Bulletin, No. 142, 66. 11.Kiesz, 77. 12.Kiesz, 72, 76. 13.Kiesz, 74. 14.Kiesz, 81; Advocate, August 9, 1937, 8-11; Advocate, September 13, 1937, 7-10. 15.Advocate, September 6, 1937, 10-12. 16.Kiesz, 73. 17.Dugger and Dodd, 311-16. 18.Kiesz, 82. 19.Christ Kiesz, "Mission Accomplished," in Advocate, August 12, 1963, 31-32; Kiesz, 75. 20.Advocate, March 4, 1924, 152-53. 21.Kiesz, 78. 22.Monroe, 18. 23.Fellowship Herald, April 1961, 1-3. 24.Ibid. 25.Kiesz, 76-77. 26.Kiesz, 80; Advocate, September 6, 1937, 10-12; Advocate, August 9, 1937, 8-11; Fellowship Herald, June 1956, 5. 27.Advocate, January 1, 1924, 14. VIII. Independent Church of God Splits - 1905 1.1936 Census, 6. 2.Kiesz, 85. 3.1906 Census, 29-31. 4.Kiesz, 83. 5.Fellowship Herald, January 1962, 3,6; Mount Zion Reporter, March 1971, 14; Interview with Frank Walker, November 1, 1971. 6.Remnant of Israel, June 1917, 8. 7.Advocate, November 9, 1915, 784; Kiesz, 90. 8.Thomsen, 92-95. 9.Advocate, October 29, 1918, 741. 10.Evangel of Hope and Bible Banner, November 1918, 3. 11."Correspondence Relative to the Michigan Conference. Church of God and Seventh Day Baptist," 19. 12.1926 Census, 32. 13.Interview with Robert A. Barnes, October 20, 1971. 14.Advocate, May 19, 1925. IX. Andrew N. Dugger and the Church of God Surge in the 1920's 1.Kiesz, 84-87. 2.Kiesz, 81, 84, 85. 3.Advocate, December 20, 1908, 110-111; and December 24, 1907, 138. 4.Advocate, September 15, 1908, 4. 5.Advocate, April 9, 1907, 249. 6.Advocate, February 11, 1908, 177; May 12, 1908, 285; August 11, 1908, 392. 7.Kiesz, 86. 8.Advocate, July 19, 1910, 329; December 6, 1910. 9.Kiesz, 87-89. 10.Advocate, June 10, 1913, 481. 11.Advocate, September 27, 1937, 9-11. 12.Advocate, September 3, 1907, 415. 13.Advocate, September 27, 1937, 9-11. 14.Advocate, LVII (1923), 149-50; Messenger, June 13, 1922, 5. 15.A.N. Dugger, "Our Work: Sketches of the Past and Present," in Advocate, August 6, 1929, 488-92. 16.Reporter, August 1971, 11. 17.Tracts published by the Mount Zion Reporter, "The Rebirth of Israel," and "Crisis Dates in Bible Prophecy." 18.Reporter, February, March and April, 1971. 19.Advocate, August 6, 1929, 488-92; Messenger, September 15, 1925, 11. 20.Messenger, April 4, 1922, 47. 21.Advocate, LVII (1923), 9,12. 22.Messenger, September 16, 1926, 6. 23.Messenger, August 14, 1923, 14, 16; and September 15, 1925, 12; Advocate, May 20, 1924, 331. 24.Advocate, September 30, 1924, 646-47. 25.Messenger, August 14, 1923, 14. 26.Kiesz, 90. 27.1916 Census, 29-30. 28.Kiesz, 90; Advocate, August 6, 1929, 488-92. 29.Kiesz, 91. 30.Reporter, June 1971, 14; August 1971, 20. 31.Kiesz, 91. 32.Advocate, August 6, 1929, 488-92. 33.Advocate, December 2, 1919, 778-79. 34.Kiesz, 92. 35.Advocate, April 21, 1925, 263. 36.1920 Federal Council Yearbook of Churches, 16. 37.Messenger, September 23, 1921, 21. 38.Kiesz, 92. 39.A.N. Dugger, "An Outline of Our Work," in Messenger, June 23, 1921, 1. 40.Advocate, August 6, 1929, 488-92; Messenger, November 1, 1921, 27-28. 41.Messenger, February 3, 1921, 2; June 23, 1921, 10-11; September 23, 1921, 23; November 1, 1921, 27-28. 42.Messenger, February 3, 1921, 3-4. 43.Ibid., 1. 44.Barnes Interview. 45.Messenger, February 3, 1921, 3-4; Fellowship Herald, May 1961, 7-8. 46.Messenger, op. cit. 47.Messenger, September 23, 1921, 22. 48.Messenger, June 12, 1923, 7. 49.Messenger, September 12, 1922, 19. 50.Ibid., 17-18. 51.Messenger, January 3, 1922, 35; February 1, 1922, 37; June 13, 1922, 5; October 10, 1922, 22; November 14, 1922, 25; December 19, 1922, 29-30. 52.Messenger, September 12, 1922, 19. 53.Messenger, March 1, 1922, 42. 54.Messenger, January 16, 1923, 35; June 12, 1923, 8; July 17, 1923, 10. 55.Monroe, 18. 56.Messenger, January 16, 1923, 35. 57.Advocate, August 7, 1923, 470-71. 58.Advocate, March 4, 1924, 148-49. 59.Messenger, April 17, 1923, 45. 60.Kiesz, 95. 61.Messenger, May 15, 1923, 2. 62.Advocate, August 7, 1923, 466-67. 63.Messenger, op. cit. 64.Messenger, August 14, 1923, 13. 65.Albert N. Rogers, Seventh Day Baptists in Europe and America, III (Plainfield, New Jersey, 1972), 229. 66.Messenger, July 17, 1923, 9. 67.Advocate, May 15, 1923, 286. 68.Advocate, July 8, 1924, 438. 69.Advocate, September 11, 1923, 528. 70.Advocate, July 31, 1923, 449; December 1922, 756; September 18, 1923, 548-49; Rogers, 47-48, 56. 71.Advocate, June 4, 1907, 320; October 1, 1907, 48. 72.Advocate, LVII (1923), 201. 73.Advocate, October 13, 1925, 645, 649-50. 74.Messenger, January 16, 1923, 34;February 13, 1923, 37; May 15, 1923, 3; November 13, 1923, 25; December 11, 1923, 29;July 17, 1923, 9; August 14, 1923, 13; February 13, 1923, 37; March 13, 1923, 42-43; April 17, 1923, 46. 75.Advocate, LVII (1923), 8. 76.Messenger, March 13, 1923, 42. 77.Advocate, LVII (No. 13 in 1923), 190-94. 78.Messenger, January 22, 1924, 33; February 26,1924, 39; December 18, 1924, 33; January 20, 1925, 37. 79.Advocate, March 24, 1925, 193-94. 80.Messenger, April 1, 1924, 43-44; Advocate, September 9, 1924, 565. 81.Advocate, September 16, 1924, 585. 82.Messenger, June 20, 1924, 1; July 15, 1924, 7; Advocate, October 7, 1924, 659. 83.Messenger, May 13, 1924, 45. 84.Kiesz, 96. 85.Advocate, May 27, 1924, 345. 86.Advocate, June 17, 1924, 391. 87.Advocate, June 24, 1924, 409. 88.Advocate, March 25, 1924, 201. 89.Messenger, July 23, 1921, 1. 90.Advocate, April 21, 1925, 263. 91.Advocate, May 6, 1924, 295. 92.Advocate, September 9,. 1924, 569-70. 93.Advocate, March 11, 1924, 168. 94.Dugger in Advocate, August 6, 1929, 488-92; Messenger, September 16, 1926, 6; Kiesz, 97- 98. 95.Messenger, February 20, 1925, 43. 96.Messenger, January 19, 1926, 25-26. 97.Messenger, November 24, 1926, 13. 98.Kiesz, 98. 99.Kiesz, 97; Advocate, September 21, 1926, 316-18; Messenger, May 19, 1925, 53; March 17, 1925, 45; July 14, 1925, 4; September 15, 1925, 10; April 22, 1926, 35-36; June 25, 1926, 48. 100.Messenger, September 16, 1926, 10. 101.Messenger, September 15, 1925, 11. 102.Kiesz, 98. 103.Advocate, September 22, 1925, 596. 104.Advocate, March 31, 1925, 214. 105.Great Controversy, 297, 309. 106.Loughborough, 62. 107.Advent Review Extra, September 1850; Francis D. Nichol, The Midnight Cry (Review and Herald, 1945), 462-63; Francis D. Nichol, Reasons for Our Faith (Review and Herald, 1947), 221. 108.Advocate, August 11, 1908, 387. 109.Isaac C. Wellcome, History of the Second Advent Message and Mission, Doctrine and People (Yarmouth, Maine: B. Thurston and Co., 1874), 98-127. 110.Uriah Smith, The Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation, (Southern Publishing Association, Revised edition, 1949), 377-405. 111.Kiesz, 94. 112.Advocate, February 9, 1926, 97-99. 113.Advocate, July 6, 1926, 463-64. 114.Advocate, July 20. 1926, 495-96. 115.Advocate, August 6, 1929, 488-92; Messenger, September 20, 1927, 6-7; Kiesz, 98. 116.Messenger, April 20, 1927, 36; September 20, 1927, 6-7. 117.Kiesz, 98-99. 118.Messenger, February 14, 1928, 26. 119.Kiesz, 99; Advocate, August 6, 1929, 488-92. 120.Kiesz, 99. 121.Advocate, January 27, 1925, 69, 73. 122.Advocate, January 22, 1929, 58-59; December 17, 1929. 123.Advocate, January 26, 1948, 16; April 4, 1949, 10. 124.Advocate, April 3, 1928, 219. 125.Advocate, May 19, 1925; August 6, 1929, 488-92. 126.Kiesz, 100. 127.Advocate, August 27, 1929, 521. 128.Kiesz, 99-100. 129.Advocate, August 6, 1929, 488-92. 130.Kiesz, 100-102. 131.Reporter. June 1971, 14. 132.Advocate, August 6, 1929, 488-92. 133.Messenger, February 3, 1921, 1. 134.Messenger, September 15, 1925, 9; Advocate, July 21, 1925, 479. 135.Kiesz, 101-102; Dugger and Dodd. 136.Kiesz, 101. 137.Dugger and Dodd, 298. 138.Kiesz, 102. 139.Advocate, November 7, 1932, 692. 140.Advocate, September 19, 1932, 564. 141.Advocate, January 9, 1933, 25. 142.Advocate, August 12, 1963, 21. 143.Advocate, May 3, 1937, 7; May 10, 1948, 4-6; May 17, 1948, 5-7;May 24, 1948, 6-9; June 7, 1948, 4-6; May 31, 1948, 5-7. 144.Advocate, August 12, 1963, 21. 145.Canright, 94-95. 146.Advocate, April 9, 1907, 256; et. al. 147.Advocate, June 13, 1913, 479; November 9, 1915, 782-83; February 1, 1916, 143. 148.Advocate, March 16, 1920, 174-75. 149.Advocate, February 19, 1924, 127. 150.Messenger, October 13, 1925, 15-16. 151.Advocate, December 8, 1925, 777. 152.Advocate, July 12, 1937, 9-11. 153.Advocate, April 4, 1907, 251. 154.Advocate, April 16, 1907, 259. 155.Advocate, April 28, 1908, 271-72; May 5, 1908, 280. 156.Advocate, March 16, 1909, 208. 157.Advocate, April 12, 1910, 220-21. 158.Advocate, March 30, 1917, 260. 159.Advocate, March 18, 1924, 192, 225-26; May 6, 1924, 294-95. 160.Messenger, March 22, 1926, 33. 161.Advocate, March 15, 1937, 10-11. 162.Messenger, April 1, 1924, 43. 163.Advocate, April 14, 1925, 246. 164.J.N. Andrews, History of the Sabbath and First Day of the Week, (Steam Press of the Seventh Day Adventist Publishing Association, 2nd edition, 1873), 82- 92. 165.Remnant of Israel, June 1915, 7; April 1921, 8. 166.Advocate, August 8, 1916, 565-67. 167.Advocate, March 20, 1917, 252-53. 168.Advocate, May 6, 1924, 298. 169.Advocate, August 12, 1963, 25-26. 170.Advocate, May 12, 1908, 287. 171.Advocate, May 9, 1911, 422. 172.Kiesz, 100. 173.Advocate, May 17, 1937, 16. 174.Advocate, May 24, 1937, 6-8. 175.Messenger, March 21, 1928, 30. 176.R.V. Lyon, "The Scattering and Restoration of Israel," (Seneca Falls, New York, 1861. 177.Advocate, September 13, 1937, 7-10. 178.Advocate, LVII (1923), 218. 179.Advocate, December 2, 1919, 769-70, 784. 180.Interview with Otis J. Cole, August 27, 1971. 181.Advocate, September 11, 1923, 528. 182.Advocate, July 15, 1913, 574. 183.Cole Interview. 184.Advocate, August 11, 1908, 392; Henry C. Sheldon, Studies in Recent Adventism (New York, 1915), 29. 185.Advocate, May 21, 1907, 304. 186.Messenger, April 24, 1928, 31. 187.David T. Arthur, The Evangelical Adventists - 1855-1914 (unpublished thesis at Aurora College, 1963, University of Rochester), 371; H. Wakelin Coxill and Sir Kenneth Grub, editors, World Christian Handbook (Abingdon Press, 1968), 121; Phelan, 20; Elmer T. Clark, The Small Sects in America (Abingdon, 1949), 44-45; LeRoy Edwin Froom, "Seventh Day Adventists," in Vergilius Ferm The American Church of the Protestant Heritage (Philosophical Library, 1953), 384. 188.The Restitution Herald, April 16, 1890; 1917 Federal Council of Churches Yearbook, 111, 208. 189.Advocate, December 15, 1908, 103-04. 190.Advocate, April 23, 1907, 266; February 9, 1909, 163; December 22, 1925, 10-12. 191.Messenger, February 3, 1921, 1; April 24, 1928, 31. 192.Advocate, January 26, 1926, 77. 193.Advocate, August 17, 1926, 254. 194.Advocate, December 22, 1908, 111. 195.Advocate, May 13, 1924, 308-09. 196.Kiesz, 98. X.The Division of 1933 -- Stanberry and Salem 1.Dugger and Dodd, 298-306; Bible Advocate (Salem), November 6, 1933. 2.1936 Census, 424. 3.Kiesz, 103. 4.Interview with E.A. Straub, October 27, 1971. 5.Interview with Robert A. Barnes, October 20, 1971. 6.Ibid. 7.Advocate, January 9, 1933, 25; August 14, 1933, 520-521. 8.Advocate, October 23, 1933, 660-61. 9.Advocate, November 13, 1933, 708. 10.Messenger, October 30, 1933, 13. XI.Two Groups: Stanberry and Salem, 1933-1949 1.Kiesz, 104. 2.Barnes Interview. 3.Kiesz, 104-105. 4.Straub Interview. 5.Kiesz, 104-105. 6.Interview with Martin L. Ogren, October 31, 1971. 7.Kiesz, 105. 8.E.T. Clark, 43-44. 9.1936 Census, 425. 10.Barnes Interview. 11.Straub Interview. 12.Michigan Historical Records Survey, 35. 13.Barnes and Straub Interviews. 14.1936 Census, 424-25. 15.Michigan, op. cit., 35-36; eight page pamphlet from Stanberry. 16.Advocate, October 23, 1933, 660-61. 17.Messenger, October 30, 1933, 13. 18.1936 Census, 36. 19.Advocate, February 25, 1935, 9. 20.Advocate, March 15, 1937, 16. 21.Advocate, March 14, 1938, 11. 22.Interview with Frank Walker, November 1, 1971. 23.Advocate, March 4, 1935, 8-9; May 13, 1935. 24.Straub Interview. 25.1936 Census, 37. 26.Advocate, December 25, 1933, 752. 27.Kiesz, 105-107. 28.Advocate, January 26, 1948, 2. 29.Kiesz, 105. 30.Kiesz, 107. XII.The Merger: 1948 - 1949 1.Kiesz, 106. 2.Straub Interview. 3.Ibid., Kiesz, 107. 4.Straub Interview. 5.Kiesz, 108; Straub Interview; Advocate, March 1, 1948, 9-10. 6.Advocate, April 19, 1948, 11; Straub Interview. 7.Straub Interview. 8.Advocate (Stanberry), March 8, 1948, 5-7. 9.Advocate, June 14, 1948, 5; July 26, 1948, 9; October 25, 1948, 4-5; December 6, 1948, 8-10. 10.Advocate, March 8, 1948, 11. 11.Advocate, April 19, 1948, 10. 12.Advocate, May 31, 1948, 16. 13.Advocate, April 19, 1948, 11. 14.Advocate, August 2, 1948, 10-12. 15.Advocate, August 30, 1948, 10. 16.Advocate, April 4, 1949, 8. 17.Advocate, June 28, 1948, 13. 18.Advocate, May 2, 1949, 12-13. 19.Advocate, May 16, 1949, 12. 20.Kiesz, 109; Straub Interview. 21.Advocate, March 22, 1948, 11-13. 22.Advocate, March 8, 1948, 10-11. 23.Kiesz, 109. 24.Kiesz, 110. 25.Advocate, March 15, 1948, 10-12; March 22, 1948, 11-13. 26.Advocate, June 21, 1948, 10-11; November 7, 1949, 5-6. XIII.The Post Merger Period, 1949 - 1973 1.Kiesz, 110-111. 2.Advocate, February 27, 1950, 12, 16. 3.Straub Interview. 4.Ibid. 5.Interview with Raymond C. Moldenhauer, October 20, 1971. 6.Straub Interview. 7.Barnes Interview. 8.Ogren Interview. 9.Advocate of Truth, February 1, 1971, 2. 10.1971 Yearbook of American Churches, 28. 11.Barnes and Floyd Turner Interviews. 12.1971 Yearbook, 180. 13.Tract, "What Started Us to Israel," from the Mount Zion Reporter. 14.Tract, "The Constitution of the Church of God," from Salem, West Virginia. 15.Issues of the Jerusalem Messenger, 1970 - 1972. 16.Reporter, December 1970, 12. 17.Reporter, December 1969, 13. 18.Reporter, July 1970, 15. 19.Reporter, August 1972, 20. 20.Reporter, August 1972, 5, 7. 21.Tracts, "Easter, Christmas and Sunday;" "What was abolished by Christ," 6-7; Explanation of Prophetic Chart," 29. 22.Frank Walker Interview. 23.Advocate, March 21, 1949, 3-6. 24.Ogren Interview. 25.Ibid. 26.Ibid. 27.Issues of the Herald of Truth, 1971 - 1972. 28.Monroe, 20-24. 29.Ibid. 30.Frank Walker tract, "The Church of God -- United . . . Under Christ," 4-6. 31.Barnes Interview. 32.Dugger and Dodd, 286-87. 33.Advocate, May 12. 1908, 287; May 9, 1911, 422. 34.Interview with Mark Burnham, October 31, 1971. 35.Interview with Clair W. Ahlborn, November 1-2, 1971. 36.Pamphlet - "History of the General Council of the Churches of God (Seventh Day)." 37.Acts, March 1, 1951, 11. 38.Ibid., 2. 39.Acts, July 1, 1951, 1 40.Acts, September 1, 1952, 2. 41.Acts, March 1972, 2. 42.Ahlborn Interview; Tract, "A Declaration of Things Most Commonly Believed Among Us." 43.Burnham Interview. 44.Interview with Carl Palmer, October 14, 1971. 45.Walker Interview. 46.Palmer Interview. 47. General Council History. 48.Fellowship Herald, August 1971. 49.Tract, "Maranatha College: Past, Present Future." 50.Fellowship Herald, February - April, 1965, 20. 51.Various issues of Fellowship Herald, 1971 - 1972. 52.Burnham Interview. 53.Barnes Interview. 54.Fellowship Herald, September 1964, 14. 55.Fellowship Herald, April 1956, 4, 10. 56."Sabbath Handbook and Directory of Sabbath - Observing Organizations," (Bible Sabbath Association, Fairview, Oklahoma, 3rd edition, 1969), 7. 57.Sabbath Sentinel, June 1972, 8. 58."Echoes From Eden Home Bible Study Series," 44-45. 59. Kiesz, 111-12. 60.Ibid. 61.Kiesz, 112-14. 62.Kiesz, 114-15. 63.Straub Interview; Interview with Ed. M. Blenis, October 21, 1971. 64.Kiesz, 115-16. 65.Kiesz, 123-24. 66.Kiesz, 124-25. 67.Mead's Handbook of Denominations, 74-75. 68.Messenger, March - April 1973, 5. 69.Messenger, March - April 1973, 11; November - December 1972, 18; March - April 1972, 16; May - June 1972, 7; September - October 1971, 62. 70.Messenger, September - October, 1971, 32. 71.Messenger, September - October, 1971. 72.Messenger, November - December, 1971. 73.Messenger, July - August, 1970. 74.Messenger, September - October, 1971. XIV.Analysis at 1973 1.Spalding, 257. 2.1971 Yearbook of Churches, 180. 3.John N. Loughborough, Rise and Progress of the Seventh Day Adventists (Battle Creek, 1892), 391. 4.Loughborough, The Great Second Advent Movement: It's Rise and Progress (Washington, D.C., 1909), 472- 73. 5.Tract, "General Council of the Churches of God, Seventh Day: A Bit of History." 6.Great Controversy, 297-98, 309, 317. 7.Nichol, 446-48. 8.Robert G. Torbet, A History of the Baptists (Revised, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 1963), 297. 9.Henry C. Vedder, A History of the Baptists in the Middle States (Philadelphia, 1898), 203. 10.Whitney R. Cross, The Burned Over District (Ithaca, New York, 1950). 11.Dugger and Dodd, 281-282, 287. 12.Seventh Day Baptist, Vol III, 10, 13. 13.Canright, op. cit. 14.Messenger, November - December 1971, 18. 15.Monroe, 20. Additional Literature GIVING & SHARING is a non-profit mail-order bookstore serving Sabbath-observers around the world. We carry most Bibles and Christian religious books in print. Write for our latest order blank. Giving & Sharing distributes the following items relative to church history: MATERIAL ON THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF GOD [ ] History of the Seventh Day Church of God, Vol. I, by Richard C. Nickels. Comprehensive history of the Sabbatarian Churches of God, 1800-1987, 256 pages. $9.50 History of the Seventh Day Church of God, Vol. II, by Richard C. Nickels. Articles and research material for students of history. See page 262 for ordering. [ ] Six Papers on the History of the Church of God, by Richard C. Nickels. Sabbatarian history in England and America, plus G.G. Rupert. 354 pages. 14.00 See page 268 for summary table of contents. [ ] Paper #5 Only, "The Remnant of Israel, 1915-1929" covers G.G. Rupert, and shows the amazing similarities between his movement and that of Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God. 1.00 Reprints of G.G. Rupert Literature, compiled by Richard C. Nickels. See page 269 for ordering. [ ] Herbert W. Armstrong: 1892-1986. Little known facts. 1.00 [ ] The Bible Home Instructor, by A.N. Dugger. A classic since the 1920's, this Bible study guide covers most Church of God (Seventh Day) doctrines, and is a great tool for group Bible Study, 522 pages. (See review on page 270.) 9.00 [ ] History of the True Religion, by A.N. Dugger & C.O. Dodd. History of true church from first century, 320 pages. 8.00 [ ] The Story of the Church of God (Seventh Day), by Robert Coulter. Denver Group history with photos, 58 pages. (See review on page 272.) 3.00 [ ] History of Sabbath & Sunday, by John Kiesz, 63 pages. 3.00 Amount enclosed: $___________ NAME ___________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP ___________________________________________ GIVING & SHARING, PO Box 100, Neck City, MO 64849 A History of the Seventh Day Church of God, Volume II by Richard C. Nickels As an Appendix to my History of the Seventh Day Church of God, Volume I, Volume II contains a variety of material that students of Church of God history will find interesting. This 1973 collection of pictures, charts, old out-of-print literature, and miscellaneous information has never been mass-published. Volume II is available photocopied from Giving & Sharing. Lack of storage space prevents us from keeping multiple copies on hand. Giving & Sharing does not pay salaries, and our time is limited to make additional copies. You may order Volume II on the following basis: 10 cents per page (for printing and postage), payable to Giving & Sharing, plus 3 cents per page (for copy work), payable in a separate check or money order, to Earl Lewis. You may order any single part (no further subdivision), or the entire Volume II. SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS Total Section Pages [ ] Part A: General Information 144 [ ] Part B: Stanberry Material 217 [ ] Part C: Denver -- Merger Group 390 [ ] Part D: Dugger Material 122 [ ] Part E: Meridian, Idaho Group 36 [ ] Part F: Salem, West Virginia Group 62 [ ] Part G: Caldwell, Idaho Group 24 [ ] Part H: Sacred Names Material 145 [ ] Part I: Bible Sabbath Association 13 [ ] Part J: Gathering Call Material 22 [ ] Part K: Miscellaneous 11 TOTAL ALL PARTS: 1,186 Amount Enclosed @ 10 cents/page to: Giving & Sharing $_______________ Amount Enclosed @ 3 cents/page to: Earl Lewis $_______________ NAME __________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP __________________________________________ Giving & Sharing, PO Box 100, Neck City, MO 64849 DETAIL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Part A: General Information Chart on the Origins of the Bible Advocate A1 Chart on Origins of the Church of God (Adventist) A2 Chart on Stanberry and the Post 1933 Divisions A2 Editors of the Hope of Israel, Sabbath Advocate, and Bible Advocate A3 Graphs on Church of God Membership, Churches, Ministers, Dates of Organization A4 Census Reports of 1906, 1916, 1926, 1936 A9 Chronological Chart Compiled by Stanberry A21 1859 Sabbath Recorder Re: Samuel Davison A28 1872 Sabbath Recorder Re: H.E. Carver A31 1942 Sabbath Recorder Re: Review of "A History of the True Church" A32 August 25, 1865 Hope of Israel A33 Davison Family History A35 April 9, 1907 Bible Advocate Re: Katie R. Gilstrap A39 100th Anniversary Issue of The Bible Advocate, August 12, 1963 A40 "The Sabbath Through the Ages," by John Kiesz in July 26, 1965 Advocate A62 April 1972 Mount Zion Reporter Re: Halbenslaben and A.F. Dugger A66 Sabbath Recorder Re: I.N. Kramer A67 "General History of the Church of God (Seventh Day) of Michigan" A68 Partial Copies of Tracts by Jacob Brinkerhoff, Almon Hall, H.C. Blanchard, Uriah Smith, R.V. Lyon A72 Copies of "Age-to-Come" paper, Expositor and Advocate A84 Iowa Archives Letter Re: Snook and Waggoner Conscientious Objector Petition During the Civil War A88 Marion, Iowa Church of God History A90 "Correspondence Relative to the Michigan Conference, Church of God and Seventh Day Baptist" A94 "The Backward Look," by Adelbert Branch A111 Picture of S.W. Mentzer A113 Pictures of Dugger, Rodgers, Presler, Davison, Carver A114 Ministers, Churches, Offering Reports A116 Article, "A Dying Church" A120 Bible Advocate articles on Church History A121 Anti-Dugger Notice of October, 1933 Messenger A134 1949 Merger, Picture of New Executive Board A135 "What the Church of God Believes" A136 1949 Church of God Tracts A139 Puritan "Sabbath Keepers" A141 "Enright's 1000 Dollar Offer" A142 Letter from Rudolph Haffner Re: Church of God Ministers A143 Section Page Part B: Stanberry Material "The Adamic Sin or Forbidden Fruit" B1 "The Third Angel's Message" B18 "The Battle of Armageddon" B35 "The 1000 Year Reign With Christ" B59 "The Doctrine of the Immortal Soul" B67 "The Administrations of God's Law" B74 "Divine Healing" B84 "Hard Questions for Seventh Dayists Reviewed and Answered" B91 "Christian Standards for Young People" B101 "Suggestions for Ministers and Officers of The Church of God (Seventh Day)," Second Edition B140 "The Bible Sabbath Defended," Fifth Edition, Revised 1944 B146 Part C: Denver -- Merger Group General Conference Officials C1 Headquarters Buildings C6 Foreign Workers C7 Midwest Bible College, Courses and Students C9 Tribute to John Kiesz C20 Sabbath Services Bulletin C23 "Doctrinal Beliefs of the Church of God (Seventh Day)" C26 "An Invitation to Learn for Yourself (About the Church of God)" C34 "What Must I Do To Be Saved?" C40 "Bible Baptism" C42 "The New Birth," and "The Ordinance of Baptism" C44 "About Face, The Meaning of Christian Conversion" C53 "Wondrous Grace, God's Life-Saving Gift" C59 "Keeping Fit Spiritually" C75 "Adam's Apple" C79 "If a Man Die -- Does He Still Live?" C81 "The Soul of Man -- Is It Mortal or Immortal?" C93 "Life Ends, What Then?" C95 "The Ten Commandments, As Found in The Old and New Testaments" C101 "Which Day is The Lord's Day'?" C105 "The Change of the Sabbath, Who Authorized It?" C116 "Should the Seventh-Day Sabbath Be Observed by Christians Today?" C125 "Has Time Been Lost?" C135 "Religious Surgery, What Has Been Cut Out of God's Law?" C144 "The End of the Law" C146 "The Resurrection of Christ Not on Sunday" C150 "The Time Element in the Crucifixion nd Resurrection of Christ" C152 "What Christians Should Know about Easter" C169 "The Observance of the Lord's Supper" C176 "A Study of the Feast Days Given To Israel" C188 "God's Treatment of Jews and Gentiles" C209 "The Bible and Man's Food" C225 "Christmas Investigated" C243 Section Page "When Was Christ Born?" C258 "The Teaching of the Bible Concerning Tithes and Offerings" C262 "Can Christians Participate in Carnal Warfare?" C274 "The Rich Man and Lazarus, Is it a Parable or Literal Fact?" C281 "Palestine, Jews, and Bible Prophecy" C295 "World History Foretold" C308 "The Next World Dictator" C326 "The Battle of Armageddon" C328 "The Destiny of the Earth . . . Destroyed or Restored?" C339 "The 1000-Year Reign with Christ" C348 "The Punishment of the Wicked" C357 "A Scriptural Examination of The 1844 Investigative Judgment Doctrine" C370 Part D: Dugger Material Pictures of A.N. Dugger and His Associates D1 "What Started Us to Israel" D11 "Explanation of the Prophetic Chart: The Future of Israel And All People" D15 "The Rebirth of Israel, The Greatest Miracle of the Age" D31 "The Restoration of the Kingdom to Israel; A King to Reign on David's Throne" D39 "Crises Dates in Bible Prophecy; The Resurrection in This Last Generation" D47 "Signs of the Coming Messiah, and Events of Tomorrow" D55 "Seven Reasons Why the Seven Last Plagues are Literal and Future" D63 "The Daughter of Jerusalem And The Daughter of Babylon" D65 "Has Our Messiah Come?" D73 "Easter, Christmas and Sunday were Pagan Holidays, 600 B.C." D77 "Death in the Kitchen" D81 "Hell, What and Where is It?" D85 "What Was Abolished By Christ" D93 "The Change of the Sabbath, Who Authorized It?" by A.F. Dugger, Sr. D101 "Why Israel Is Here to Stay" D105 "Bible Lessons for The Church of God, Seventh Day," First Quarter 1971 D113 Part E: Meridian, Idaho Group "General Council of the Churches of God, Seventh Day: A Bit of History" E1 "Constitution and By-Laws of The General Council of the Churches of God (Seventh Day) Inc." E7 "A Declaration of Things Most Commonly Believed Among Us" E13 "Maranatha College E19 "Meridian Group Ministers and Churches" E32 Section Page Part F: Salem, West Virginia Group "The Constitution of The Church of God" F1 "The New Testament Church: Its Foundation, Name, Organization and Standard of Righteousness" F5 "The Battle of Armageddon" F15 "The Third Angel's Message" F17 "The Unpardonable Sin, What Is It?" F19 "The Spirit of Ecclesiastes 12:7" F23 "The Spirit of Prophecy" F25 "Bible Baptism" F29 "The Doctrine of the Trinity" F31 "Bond or Free" F35 "The Two Covenants" F39 "Conditional Immortality, Eternal Life" F45 "Sabbath School Lessons," Fourth Quarter, 1970 F55 Part G: Caldwell, Idaho Group "Doctrinal Points [of] The Church of God" G1 "The Sacred Appointments and Holy Days" G5 "Sabbath Lesson Quarterly," First Quarter 1972 G17 Part H: Sacred Names Material Letter from Paul Penn, December 22, 1970 H1 Letter from A.B. Traina, January 28, 1971 H5 Letter from Ruth Fink H7 Sacred Names Broadcaster, November-December 1972 H9 Sacred Names Broadcaster, January-February 1973 H11 "A Brief History of The Name Movement in America," by L.D. Snow in Eliyah Messenger, May 1966 H13 "Reply to The Unknown God' in The Plain Truth'," by L.D. Snow in March-April 1966 Eliyah Messenger H18 "Hebrew Names Historical Sketch," by Lawson Briggs H32 "North American Names Movement Start," from March 1969 The Word H37 The Faith, February 1969 H39 The Faith, February 1970 H44 Assemblies of Yahweh Statement of Doctrine H45 Interview with Joe B. Walker, October 21, 1971 H50 "Origin and History of the Sacred Name Movement," by Richard C. Nickels H53 "The Sacred Appointments, Feasts of Yahweh" H71 "They Kept Yahweh's Feasts" H97 "Yahweh's Feasts" H101 "The Apostles Doctrine versus Tradition," by L.D. Snow H109 "The Major Beliefs of the Assembly of Yahvah" H112 Section Page "The Constitution of the Assembly of Yahvah" H126 "The Father's Revelation of Himself and His Son," by Charles C. Cramer H130 "The Supreme Being, Oneness, or Trinity? Name of Divinity," by John Kiesz H136 Part I: Bible Sabbath Association B.S.A. Officers, 1965 and 1973 I1 Picture of Frank Walker I3 Sabbath Handbook and Miscellaneous Sabbath-Keeping Groups I4 Part J: Gathering Call Material "The Sanctuary Question," by C.L. Price J1 "A Re-Study of the Sanctuary" J3 "The Reform Dress" J7 "Examining Seventh-Day Adventism" J9 "Seventh Day Adventists Weighed in the Balance of Honesty and Found Wanting" J13 Miscellaneous Material J17 Part K: Miscellaneous "When are the Voices of The Three Angels to be Heard?" by Elder A.C. Olson K1 The Present Truth by Dr. J. Franklin Snook, August 1965 K9 Interview with Cecile Hull K11 The preceding is a detailed Table of Contents for A History of the Seventh Day Church of God, Volume II, by Richard C. Nickels. It is available from: Giving & Sharing, PO Box 100, Neck City, MO 64849 Summary of Six Papers on the History of the Church of God Sabbatarian Baptists in England traces the origins and development of Sabbath-keeping in England from the late sixteenth century, through its high point in the mid-seventeenth century with the establishment of Sabbath-keeping churches in America, to the decline of English Sabbatarians during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Sabbatarian Baptists in America continues with the establishment of the first Sabbath-keeping church in America in 1671 by Stephen Mumford, and the progression of westerly migration which led to establishment of additional churches in Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, western Virginia, Ohio, and Wisconsin. It relates the organization of the Seventh Day Baptist Conference in 1802 and shows how lethargy and decline set in during the latter half of the nineteenth century, despite prolific writing on the Sabbath question by Abraham Herbert Lewis from 1870-1908. The Adventist Movement: Its Relationship to the Seventh Day Church of God covers the period of William Miller, the Great Disappointment of 1844, and the church groups which sprang from the Adventist Movement -- four major Sunday-keeping Adventist church groups, the Seventh-Day Adventists, and the Church of God (Seventh Day). It recounts how the Sabbath was brought to the attention of Adventists who were disappointed that Christ did not come in 1844, and shows how the "Age to Come" and "conditionalist" (soul sleeping) ideas of Sunday-keeping Adventists greatly influenced the development of the Church of God (Seventh Day). Sabbath Adventists, 1844-1863 concentrates on Sabbath-keeping Adventists during the formative period, explaining how Ellen G. White's party gained a strangle hold over Sabbath-keeping Adventists and organized the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in 1860. It reveals how those who rejected the visions of Ellen G. White, and held to the name "Church of God" were persecuted by SDA's. The Remnant of Israel: An Analysis of G. G. Rupert and His Independent Church of God (Seventh Day) Movement, 1915-1929 shows the striking parallels between Rupert's followers, who observed the Biblical Holy Days, and Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God. For Rupert book and article reprints, see next page. History of the Church of God (Seventh Day), by John Kiesz, traces the origin of the church to anti-Ellen G. White Sabbath-keepers, describes the organization of the Michigan Church of God by Gilbert Cranmer in 1863, and relates its rocky history through 1963. This work contains numerous quotations from Church of God publications, including The Bible Advocate magazine.ê Reprints of G. G. Rupert Literature compiled by Richard C. Nickels G. G. Rupert (1847-1922) was an independent Church of God, Seventh Day minister who kept the Sabbath and Holy Days. His work and doctrines had much in common with Herbert W. Armstrong (1892-1986), founder of the Worldwide Church of God. Our paper, G.G. Rupert's Remnant of Israel, is part of our book Six Papers on the History of the Church of God, and is also available separately from Giving & Sharing. Rupert's published articles and books are interesting reading for Church of God history enthusiasts. Lack of storage space prevents us from keeping multiple copies on hand. To continue to make Rupert's writings available, you may order it on the following basis: 10 cents per page (for printing and postage), payable to Giving & Sharing, plus 3 cents per page (for copy work), payable in a separate check or money order, to Earl Lewis. You may order Part I and/or Part II (no further subdivision). Just return this order blank. In most cases, one xeroxed sheet has two printed pages of Rupert material. Total Item Sheets [ ] Part I: Yellow Peril, Rupert's most famous book SUBTOTAL: 272 [ ] Part II: Miscellaneous Rupert Books and Articles SUBTOTAL: 300 Time, Tradition And Truth Concerning the End of the World 96 The Story of the Real Jew And the Gathering of Israel 9 The Seven Churches 13 The Seven Seals 19 The Seven Thousand Years and The Seven Lamps on The Golden Candle Sticks 5 The Three Woe Trumpets and the Close of Probation 9 Bible Doctrine is the Former and Latter Rain 9 A Positive Appeal and Challenge to Seventh Day Adventists 19 The Two Sons of Zebedee and Their Religion 11 Is There a True Church Organization? 17 Baal Worship And The Beast of Seven Heads of Revelation 17 5 The Boleshevic and the Yellow Peril 15 Consecutive Events At the Time of the End and Close of Probation 17 The Two Covenants Between God and Man 36 The Four Great Cycles God's Timekeepers. A Charge Against A Sunday Keeping Professedly Protestant Ministry 20 PARTS I & II TOTAL: 572 Amount Enclosed @ 10 cents/page to: Giving & Sharing $_______________ Amount Enclosed @ 3 cents/page to: Earl Lewis $_______________ NAME __________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP __________________________________________ Giving & Sharing, PO Box 100, Neck City, MO 64849 Book Review: The Bible Home Instructor The Bible Home Instructor, by Andrew N. Dugger (along with P.A. Nugent and Herbert Miles). Originally published in 1919-1920. Reprinted in 1989 by Johnson Graphics, Decatur, Michigan. Cloth, 522 pages. Perhaps more than any other book, The Bible Home Instructor has led to the advancement of the Church of God, Seventh Day and its doctrinal teachings. Conceived by Church of God leader Andrew N. Dugger (1886-1975), the book's purpose was to convince people of Church of God doctrines and increase membership. Zealously sold by religious colporteurs, the book led to the "surge of the 1920's" when the Church of God, Seventh Day added a thousand or more members in one year. The book was probably an outgrowth of a shorter work, called The Bible Student's Assistant, published in the early 1900's. A grouping of Bible testimony on numerous sacred subjects, the Instructor has over 200 illustrations. Some are the typical Protestant variety, others unique to the Church of God. There is the chart of Passion Week showing the Wednesday Crucifixion (and Palm Sabbath, in contradiction to the Protestant idea of Palm Sunday), page 166. The line drawings are unforgettable. They show up again frequently in later Church of God literature. We have reproduced a few of them at the end of this review. Each of the scores of Bible readings for the home is a capsule of one doctrinal truth. There are a dozen or so questions, followed by scripture references, often quoted. For example, the topic of "Conversion" has twenty-nine questions, such as: "1. What is necessary to salvation? Matt. 18:3. 2. Is it the moral or the physical nature that is changed by conversion? Rom. 8:6,7. 3. What two steps are necessary to make this change? Acts 20:20,21. 4. Of what is it necessary to repent? Acts 3:19. 5. What is sin? I John 3:4. 6. What does the Psalmist tell us is perfect, converting the soul? Psa. 19:7, etc." In this example, all the verses are quoted without comment, as is the usual practice in the book. The Bible answers the questions. Many want to know how to conduct a family or group Bible study. There is no better object lesson than The Bible Home Instructor. In a group setting, have each person read a question and the scripture answering the question, adding comments if appropriate. This is sure to stimulate your Sabbath study time. Carefully written, non-sensational and forthright, this book has continued to enlighten thousands throughout the years. Until the late 1960's, the Instructor continued to be sold by Dugger's Mount Zion Reporter in Jerusalem. Although we disagree with a few minor points (such as total prohibition of alcohol), The Bible Home Instructor has taught thousands of Sabbath-keepers a great many Bible truths. We continue to publish it in order to preserve this rich historical legacy. Book Review: Story of the Church of God (Seventh Day) The Story of the Church of God (Seventh Day), by Robert Coulter (Denver, Colorado: Bible Advocate Press, 1983), 58 pages. Until 1987, Robert Coulter was President of the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day), Denver Group, the largest body of the Seventh Day Church of God. Their magazine, The Bible Advocate, is direct descendant of The Hope of Israel, first published in Michigan on August 10, 1863. Coulter's short history with pictures of pioneer church leaders is concise and well-written. It is a people history, not a doctrinal history. Coulter refers to Dugger's forty doctrinal points, but does not list them. To his credit, Coulter reveals the ups and downs of Seventh Day Church of God history. He shows that some pioneer preachers left the faith, and at least one was ousted for mismanagement of funds. Coulter admits that A.N. Dugger built the church up to its zenith in the late 1920's, yet was instrumental in the 1933 division that severely hurt the church. In most cases, Coulter was very objective, and generally I heartily recommend his work. Yet in at least two subjects, he demonstrates a sectarian bias. First, Coulter ignores the fact that the Church of God, Seventh Day, has usually been an amalgamation of independent groups which at times were loosely affiliated, and not tightly organized. This is as true today as it was in the late 1800's. Yet Coulter would have us believe that the 1949 merger of Salem and Stanberry to become the Denver Group, solved once and for all any divisional problems. The truth is, that the Denver Group is not the only Church of God (Seventh Day). Check the Directory of Sabbath-Observing Groups, published by the Bible Sabbath Association, Route 1 Box 222, Fairview, OK 73737, and you will find that there are many other groups. History shows that highly independent, sharply differing, groups have been the rule. The Denver Group is an historical oddity. Andrew N. Dugger was the most noted church leader of the twentieth century. His work from the 1930's until his death in 1975 is highly significant. Yet Coulter ignores Dugger's work outside the Denver Group, which Coulter maintains is "the original body." My book, History of the Seventh Day Church of God, covers "the rest of the story." Even two Denver Group leaders have privately told me that my book is the most objective and comprehensive account they have seen. Coulter does briefly cover one other Church of God group: Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God. This reveals a second area of his historical bias: Coulter is so against the doctrines of Biblical Holy Days and Israel Identity, that he ignores historical and present day facts concerning these doctrines. Herbert Armstrong was a Church of God, Seventh Day, minister licensed in Oregon in 1931. Coulter reports Armstrong's separation to form an independent work: "Armstrong believed and taught at least two doctrines to which the Church of God (Seventh Day) has never given official support . . . . the observance of the annual Hebrew festivals and the identification of the English-speaking peoples as the posterity of Joseph, one of the twelve sons of Jacob (Israel). His insistence upon preaching these concepts ultimately alienated his from the Salem Conference. His ministerial credentials were revoked in 1937" (emphasis mine). Biblical Holy Days and Israel Identity teachings had been held by many Church of God, Seventh Day, leaders long before Armstrong. In 1913, the Bible Advocate carried G.G. Rupert's dogmatic articles in favor of Holy Day observance. Coulter shows that as early as 1885, General Conference committeemen had the responsibility to scrutinize articles for content to see that they represented (or were not contrary to) generally accepted doctrines. Some observed the Holy Days, some did not, but the doctrine was NOT against generally accepted doctrines. Today, some Church of God (Seventh Day) ministers, even in the Denver Group, believe in and keep the Biblical Holy Days and teach the Israel Identity doctrine. I am in close contact with two such elders. They are not thrown out of the church, even though Denver publishes articles against these views. Elder John Kiesz, respected church senior minister, keeps the Holy Days. He kept them as far back as 1945 when he preached at the Feast of Tabernacles with Herbert Armstrong at Belknap Springs, Oregon. The Church of God, Seventh Day, has never recovered from the 1933 Great Division. Today, the Denver Group has undergone a trend toward doctrinal liberalization. A Denver leader proposed that the Lord's Supper observance be changed from once a year on Nisan 14 to quarterly. At a Sabbath School class I attended in Denver, pastored by Calvin Burrell, pastor Burrell said that the church observes an annual Lord's Supper, abstains from unclean meats, and practices tithing not because of Biblical Laws supporting these doctrines, but because of Biblical example and church tradition. The truth is that Biblical Law definitely supports annual Passover observance, tithing and abstaining from unclean meats. Burrell was quite sure that Ellen G. White had God's Spirit, ignoring historical evidence that she was demon possessed. The story of the Church of God, Seventh Day, is NOT the history of conferences, divisions, and mergers. It is the record of those who were called and chosen by the Almighty, were baptized and received the Holy Spirit (which is given to those who obey, Acts 5:32). These saints had doctrinal truth revealed to them, and grew in that truth. They never departed from it to the day of their death.ê Additional Literature Giving & Sharing, a non-profit mail order bookstore, distributes most Bibles and Bible Helps in print, plus additional books of interest to Sabbath keepers. Write us for our most recent order blank. Major publications of Giving & Sharing include the following: Bible Studies Biblical Holy Days What Should We Be Doing? Biblical Health and Healing Biblical Marriage and Family Biblical Law Biblical Doctrine History of the Seventh Day Church of God, Volume I Six Papers on the History of the Church of God We are Sabbath Keepers, Not Seventh Day Adventists Herbert W. Armstrong: 1892-1986 G.G. Rupert's Remnant of Israel Book Reviews Newsletters Basic Bible Study Tools